Non-Domestic and Domestic EPC register contracts redacted
A Freedom of Information request for the release of Government contracts awarded to Landmark Information Group, a Daily Mail and General Trust company, for the running of both domestic and non-domestic energy performance certificate registers, has finally, and begrudgingly, been granted public visibility following the tenacious efforts of committed open-Government activist, Julian Todd yesterday.
It wasn’t without resistance: CLG officials initially refused to release the ten year contracts - dated 2006 and 2008 (domestic and non-domestic, respectively) - claiming the contracts were exempt under FOI rules because “disclosure of Landmark's contracts and service agreements would place them at a disadvantage in any subsequent bidding process when the EPC database operating contract came up for renewal.”
In applying this exemption we have had to balance the public interest in withholding the information against the public interest in disclosing the information.
Todd immediately appealed the decision pointing to FOI guidelines which state that as much information as possible must be disclosed; with the reminder, ‘the fact that a document contains exempt information does not preclude disclosure of the document with redactions.’ And adding:
The commercial interest exemption does not extend to protecting the unfair commercial advantages that Landmark has as a result of being party to the details of what became the successful bid. The point therefore argues for disclosure of this information so that there is a level playing field among all contractors when the contract is up for renewal.
And so now we have them, albeit redacted.
Both contracts (see below) are more than 120 pages long each so I’ve not had chance to read them yet, but you can find them below.
Domestic Energy Performance Certificate register contract between CLG and Landmark Information Group
Non-Domestic Energy Performance Certificate register contract between CLG and Landmark Information Group
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Reply #3 on : Fri May 07, 2010, 23:25:33
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Reply #4 on : Fri May 07, 2010, 23:27:13
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Reply #5 on : Mon July 19, 2010, 15:06:02
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Reply #6 on : Thu July 22, 2010, 22:16:05
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Reply #1 on : Tue April 13, 2010, 00:09:17