Energy assessors rally behind new proposed body
So far, this industry is represented by AHIPP, The HIP Code, IPPA, NARHI, IDEA, IHI, and, let's not forget also, the accreditation schemes in their individual ways.
And now there's another threatening to crowbar its way in: ProDEA.
A call to arms
Plucky Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA), Charlotte Law, the same lady who created a petition on the Downing Street website calling for the End First Day Marketing (FDM) a few months ago, has stirred-up quite an enthusiasm amongst fellow DEAs on the Home Inspector Forum (HIF), after calling for the creation of another entity to represent and work for the DEA.
The call-to-arms began earlier in the week, if I recall correctly, initially within threads created by others concerned with the threatened introduction of data collectors. The plea failed to gain much traction however.
But then on Wednesday (July 09, 2008) Charlotte boldly stepped-up to create another thread - Is it just me? - which has since exploded to 16 pages as I write.
It has me worried, I have to admit. Not because it shouldn't be done, but because of both the effects it has on other organisations - which I will come to in a moment - and the sheer magnitude of accomplishing the ideas being tossed out of the 'ProDEA needs to do this', bag.
I don't think anyone has quite grasped the enormous amounts of work involved in converting the resulting brain-dump - casually tossed into the forum at the flick of a mouse - into reality.
Knock-on effects to existing organisations
Before I list a sampling of the proposals being put forward by supporters of this new entity, a word on how this effects the current crop of representative organisations.
Amongst those throwing support and ideas into the pot, are members of existing bodies. I wrote to SimonT, one of the leading activists at IPPA, to warn of the risks IPPA faces when both choosing whom to delegate tasks, and what services are promoted based on that selection. Because services depend on people.
Let me expand on that.
In a separate dialogue with Neil Kurz of NRG Experts, I wrote: "...if members are quick to jump into any new org with a website that comes along, it can quickly wreck havoc with [another organisations'] promised deliverables because members spread themselves thin and wide".
I'm talking about all of them here: IHI, IDEA and IPPA (the others make little effort to shake hands with energy assessors so I'll omit them for the sake of this discussion - plus they're nicely funded anyway!)
Dissatisfaction? Or impatience?
When you read the list of actions DEAs are demanding (below), you'll see quite a lot of overlap with the above bodies; indicating, if nothing else, a dissatisfaction with their achievements so far...
...or is it impatience?
Quoting again from yesterdays exchange with Neil:
One only has to look at IHI and IDEA: both in their 2nd year. For all their perceived (and real) problems, fundamentally, it is the lack of hands and a gross under-estimation of the work involved.
Adding: "IHI is moaned at for not doing enough, yet it turns out it takes quite a while to cut through the red tape to setup, by which time most of the activists lost their enthusiasm; IDEA thinks it can outdo them but does so by cutting corners and making easy & quick "headline-grabbing" deals which have nothing to do with its original ambitions. Both are discovering that satisfying the ideals they represent is not easy and takes time... time DEAs don't have."
It's not easy folks! And it's made enormously more difficult when hitherto excited members lose their enthusiasm and don't follow-through on pledges of hands-on support...
...only for them to later jump-ship onto another bandwagon!
Who's doing the real work?
Between them, IHI and IDEA probably have somewhere in the order of 2,000-odd members (although it's difficult to know, in truth). Yet I'd wager less than 10 people do the necessary grunt work, combined!
In fact, I reckon it's more like 6-8 individuals doing what they can between work and family commitments.
And people wonder why little is achieved?
ProDEA - The mountain to climb
Charlotte's thread has allowed me to grab a good sampling of the demands DEAs want ProDEA to satisfy. I've compiled and listed many of them below as best I can.
It's interesting because it's also a barometer of feelings out there too.
If you think I'm being negative, or willing ProDEA to go away, you're wrong. I do ask, however, in light of the above, how realistic is the following achievable?
And if you believe it's achievable, ask yourself: When? How much? And who?
So let's begin at the bottom of page one where boss of Bedford Energy, Duncan Murphy, asks: "Where do we go from here?"
Charlotte's reply: "Keep it simple"
The list
We need a website
Black list of bad paying panels
Up to date information regarding accreditation costs and CPD sessions
A uniform approach to amount and type of CPD
local, affordable delivery
CPD, not just refresher courses
Accreditation schemes
List of accreditation bodies with their pros and cons
accreditation schemes doing what they are supposed to do and ridding industry of cowboys
Getting work
need a strong plan of how we intend to get business
need the independent HIP guys on board
Industrial action
All DEA/HIs stop doing panel work for a while
march to downing street?
Panels etc. that have DEA's/HI's Institutes's "Seal of Approval"
Small regional groups consisting of a pack provider and, say, 6 DEAs (all charging roughly the same fee, search costs permitting)
Legal advice and help
Unbiased advice re accreditation companies/PI insurance
Legal protection
A place to report malpractice
any new company making an approach to DEAs/HIs is directed to a screening/vetting process
keep fees above £50
need to have a regional min and max price
fighting fund - for adverts etc
Data-collectors (DCs)
Make sure Data Collectors are not allowed at all
Create petition on Downing St. website
DEA/HIs refuse to create an EPC from data supplied by DCs
all send a letter /email /fax /tel CLG office expressing our concern and request an urgent talk with IHI
PR, sales & communications
EPCs and DEAs discussed fairly and promoted well in National papers by DEAs
More active, positive promotion of the EPC as a standalone product for the general public
A recognised voice that is heard and seen to be doing something about worrying situations.
A way to advertise DEAs
Local DEAs list
Newsletter in plain English
getting on the phone, emailing industry such as NAEA etc.
have a sales team to drag the work in
Regional & national groups
Advice to newcomers.
Holiday cover (without the worry of someone poaching your work!)
Place for worries to be aired
HIP providers working with us
“Bulk buying” there could be a possibility of lower CPD/PI/HIP costs
Keep it simple, eh?
I apologise if you are one of the above contributors - I'm not seeking to embarrass, merely to show, for the first time, what the list looks like when lumped together (can't see the trees for the forest).
Now I ask you to consider the practical logistics of making all those things happen? The numbers of people needed?
Website? I don't think people really understand how much work is involved in running a website - it's one thing to knock-up a static brochure site, quite another to administer a dynamic one that updates and grows. Ask IDEA and IHI!
Ask me! There is loads more work to do here - it never ends, in truth.
But the biggest stumbling block in making all the above happen is embodied within the following two extracts:
'I begrudge paying out £100+ to join something when I am struggling to make a living'
'Something that doesn't want lots of my very hard earned money before I can join'
Anyone care to cost-out the list?
No time
Finally, how long can DEAs wait before all that flows from this list becomes a reality?
And that is the point, isn't it? Because for many, it can't happen soon enough. And this is the problem faced by both IHI and IDEA: members are having to leave because they are victims of the carnage.
My answer (FWIW)
Look within and without.
There are two bodies already available (one too many); the real question is: what are you doing to help things? Bitching from the sidelines? Or writing letters, holding meetings etc.?
They are both in their second year, don't forget. Can you wait another year for another body to get where they are today?
Or is it better to get stuck in and help them build on foundations already laid?
Tags: independent-pack-providers-association, institute-of-domestic-energy-assessors, institute-of-home-inspectors, comment
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Reply #2 on : Mon July 14, 2008, 09:55:50
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Reply #3 on : Mon July 14, 2008, 11:07:07
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Reply #5 on : Mon July 14, 2008, 16:32:23
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Reply #1 on : Mon July 14, 2008, 07:49:33