Twitter for energy assessors: Survey results on business effectiveness
Most energy assessors using Twitter don't make money but most find it useful for business intelligence, according to a survey conducted by this website. Plus, mistakes to avoid.
One of us is stupid
It seems DEAs have plenty of money to throw at anything that might attract business - which makes me the stupid one. Comparing the price comparison site, epccompare.
Blind Rage
Another quick video, this time demonstrating how a blind, partially blind or IT-disabled person - all told around 5-odd million people - use the web to find a Domestic Energy Assessor. It's a lot of potential business and the law says your website must not discriminate.
Competition for EPCs and HIPs on Google
The competition for advert space on Google Adsense for the key-phrase [Energy Performance Certificate] is huge - 201 ads! Time for a bit of research methinks
DEA Directory Upgrade for Mobile Phones
Bringing Domestic Energy Assessors even closer to clients! This incredible website, once again, walks nonchalantly through the walls of bleeding-edge technology to place its directory listing of DEAs literally one touch away from business.
Vid: East Anglian Energy Assessors One-Minute Pitch
Louise Ives of East Anglian Energy Assessors presents her business to BNI members in one minute (and eight seconds!).
CLG Guide: Commercial EPC 'Requirements' Published
The CLG has published a guide to dates and events that trigger an EPC on commercial properties (non-domestic). Plus, respect yourself and your online reputation: keep out of trouble with your accreditation scheme.
DEA and HIP Directory Websites - Beware
An example of why you should be careful of which DEA and HIP directories you submit your websites to. Also, tips on what to look for
Don't Flash and Do Never Click Me
Domestic Energy Assessors continue to throw money and time on websites to win Energy Assessments but are making some fatal mistakes which punishes their rightful ranking in the search engines - I will mend your ways.
DEAs in Business... or not!
West Midlands: 561 accredited DEAs. One lady searches HCR Register and contacts 10 listed DEAs. Result? Nothing! Are DEAs incompetent or have they quit?
DEA Website's: Why They Will Fail
Quite a few DEAs have websites that are completely invisible and breaking the law. Here are some top tips to get you traffic and hopefully, even some business
How To Appear in Google's Local One Box - Free!
Here's a killer tip to get your DEA business listed at the top of Google results for your town - with or without a website!