3000 potential number of NDEAs in pipeline
Following last month's guest blog-post from John Morren, who revealed that, as of October 1st 2008, there were officially 471 accredited non-domestic energy assessors, it has now emerged that this figure - released only after he lodged a successful appeal to have his previously denied Freedom of Information (FOI) request overturned - may have been much too conservative.
According to an email John received from the CLG last week - dated 31st October 2008 - the total number of accredited non-domestic energy assessors (NDEAs) - as of 1st October 2008 - stood at 751; 280 more than originally published in his FOI reply (and since reaffirmed on the CLG website - see below).
Qualified NDEAs
The email also reveals that 999 NDEAs were qualified (exams passed and portfolio completed but not yet accredited*) on the same date (Oct 1st).
How many NDEAs needed?
According to one question John asked in his FOI request - "How many assessors did they estimate would be needed from October 1st?" - the CLG estimated 'between 300 and 550'.
Which suggests there are now 201 NDEAs above even the upper CLG estimate.
In summarising the reasons for granting John's FOI appeal, the adjudicator (then) judged it safe to do so because the number of assessors accreditated at that time (471) "is probably sufficient for the current market climate". The summary is dated 6th October 2008.
This assessment was confirmed last week on the CLG website, which reads:
'Were there enough energy assessors to support 1st October 2008 EPC roll-out to all commercial properties?'
Yes. Our analysis suggested we needed in a range of 300 and 550 assessors and we had 471 assessors accredited on 1 October which was well within this range.
Energy Performance Certificates and commercial buildings - Communities and Local Government
Number of NDEAs in training
In what many DEAs will recognise as echoes from the past, last week's email also revealed that, as of October 1st 2008, there were 1,250 Non Domestic Energy Assessors in training.
Assuming all those currently in the pipeline go on to eventually accredit, there will be 3,000* NDEAs in total (999*+1250+751=3000).
Six times number needed
That would be more than six times the number needed to satisfy demand, as assessed in both the letter dated 6th October, and published on the CLG's own website.
Commenting on the potential over-supply of non-dom energy assessors, Joseph Pestell of Energenius Ltd - who has completed training and currently putting together his portfolio for the final leg - said: "This doesn't surprise me. I've seen the way some training companies are advertising this; one company is saying - and I quote - 'a recession-proof career opportunity'." Adding: "It's a scandal".
The FOI appeal letter estimates that a "minimum" of 18,000 Display Energy Certificates will be needed per year.
Date | Qualified | Accredited | Training |
26 June 08 | 441 | 135 | |
27 July 08 | 608 | ||
29 July 08 | 247 | ||
1 October 08 | 999 | 751 | 1,250 |
[Added: What is not so clear is how many are accredited at each level, i.e. Level 3, 4 and 5.]
* Assumes the 999 qualified does not include the 751 already accredited.
Tags: non-domestic-energy-assessor, clg
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Reply #3 on : Fri November 14, 2008, 10:29:03
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Reply #1 on : Wed November 05, 2008, 15:55:11