Email certification
It's not funny but you have to laugh at the sheer audacity of this advert found on the Residential Landlords Association website (scroll down about a third of the window) for DIY Energy Performance Certificates to landlords.
Check out the screenshot (click to enlarge):
Consider the matter reported to both accreditation schemes (although the website says the DEA is 'triple accredited') - I won't say by whom, but I'm sure they'll choose to reveal themselves if appropriate.
Tip o' the hat to Garry Fowlds for spotting it.
In case you're reading this without images, it says:
We can produce EPCs for £40 from Landlord's own data. We email you our simple questionaire, you complete it and we produce your EPC. All done electronically. No site visit necessary. Simple, efficient and great value. (sic)
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Reply #2 on : Fri February 20, 2009, 18:35:37
Posts: 3

Reply #5 on : Mon February 23, 2009, 14:31:09
Posts: 3
Reply #1 on : Fri February 20, 2009, 15:33:29