5500 sign petition in 5 days
On Monday (just gone) I blogged how anti-HIP campaigners, SPLINTA, and former NAEA President, Trevor Kent, had created a new petition on the Prime Minister's website calling for the permanent extension of First Day Marketing (FDM) of residential homes.
The story has been covered by the BEEB, several national papers and numerous websites in the residential sector.
On that same blog-post (HIPS: Abolish First Day Marketing), Trevor Kent himself popped-in to suggest DEAs also sign the petition.
Now, unless the abundance of C02 has caused me to hallucinate, I seem to remember rather a lot of conversation about how important DEAs felt the 'Drop Dead Date' was to the industry.
Yet, in the five days since the petition, nothing! Not a whisper (notwithstanding here, obviously).
So, despite all that "concerned" conversation, no one is bothered that already, over 5,550 people have signed the petition?!
In five days?
The last petition I remember took the entire HIP industry around two months to gather approx 3,000 signatures... and that was to kick the Govt into rolling-out HIPs to one and two bed homes!
IDEA, no doubt, too busy flogging HIPs and insurance to notice.
IHI... who knows?
AHIPP: Mike Ockenden is holding a meeting on Tuesday concerning the transition arrangements when, it is expected, a statement will be released.
Earlier, he said [paraphrasing], AHIPP would be more sympathetic of estate agent concerns if they demonstrated a willingness to play within the current spirit of the rules.
That is, provide the HIP at the earliest opportunity.
So what do you think? Is there room for compromise subject to estate agents playing their part (Subject to Contract! (Couldn't resist))?
Remembering where the bulk of HIP business originates from; is this an opportunity to build bridges and make friends through compromise?
Or, are you diametrically-opposed to the idea and demand the abolishment of FDM?
If so, what are you doing about it?
[Update: Minister admits Drop Dead Date under review]
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Reply #3 on : Mon February 11, 2008, 04:15:27
Posts: 3

Reply #4 on : Wed March 26, 2008, 18:02:20
Posts: 3
Reply #1 on : Sat February 02, 2008, 12:27:01