"It must not be another money maker"
Quidos has announced it will make all courses for CPD free of charge for Domestic Energy Assessors accredited through its scheme, Sebastiaan van Dort, DEA Panel and Accreditation Manager, told this site.
He said: "Following the interview I had with you for the 'definitive CPD guide for DEA's and training providers' we realised that there is quite a lot of confusion surrounding CPD.
A few days later we held an internal meeting and concluded that the rules and regulations regarding CPD are not clear enough and that CPD itself can be very costly for the DEA.
This clearly is not what CPD should be about, CPD should assist the DEA in developing skills and keeping up to date with the latest rules and regulations. It must not be another money maker - currently there are too many companies using CPD as a way of profiteering.
So in order to simplify the CPD of our members; we have decided to offer the full Quidos-recommended CPD quota, inclusive, within our membership fee. Details will follow in due course.
This means that the DEA no longer has to worry about any extra outgoings in this regard.
We obviously still welcome any additional training our DEA's would like to take from approved 3rd party providers, but we feel that the DEA can now make a conscious choice if he/she wants to pay for this service."
Tags: quidos, cpd, domestic-energy-assessor
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Reply #2 on : Wed June 11, 2008, 12:33:04
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Reply #4 on : Sun February 22, 2009, 18:03:18
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Reply #5 on : Mon January 11, 2010, 08:43:01
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Reply #1 on : Thu June 05, 2008, 18:39:41