Trainees spared ECMK vs HES fall-out
Up until this morning, the future prospects of at least 167 trainee Domestic Energy Assessors (DEAs) hung in the balance, thanks to a war erupting between Home Energy Surveys Ltd (HES) - the company who were going to employ the trainees - and ECMK - the company contracted by HES to train them.
No longer.
(If you want to read a bit more background to the spat, Neil Kurz (NRG Experts) has it more or less covered on his blog: Employer and Training Provider fall out).
Needless to say, the Communities and Local Government are fully aware of the situation and expected to take serious action.
DEA Cavalry
Quidos Managing Director, Philip Salaman, stepped into the battle-field bearing a big red cross on his back to rescue the traumatised DEAs-in-training.
Quidos have agreed to take on the 167 trainees and train those that haven't already been trained. Excellent news!
They are also internally verifying all portfolios they have this week too.
No Obligation to Accredit
Philip has also said that there is no obligation on the candidates to accredit with Quidos, although the hope is there, obviously.
He also said, '... that all the candidates will be hearing from us, and not to panic.'.
Kudos to Quidos
HES, is effectively a competitor to Quidos - as a Panel - but this just goes to show how "co-opetition" can work, and be healthy at the same time... without the after-taste of "cartel-ism", if there's such a word.
Tags: Quidos, dea-training, dea-accreditation