Free webinar
(Just arrived via email) ASIEPI (Assessment and Improvement of the EPBD Impact) is holding a free webinar event on Wednesday 03 February 2010 between 10.00 and 12.00, Brussels time.
One of the most important aims of the introduction of the energy performance methodology is to make better buildings. By tightening the EP requirement levels building designers are encouraged to make better choices. But they will only be encouraged to choose energy saving measures which are taken into account in the methodology.
Because this would be a barrier for innovation, it is extremely important to have a route which makes it possible to incorporate innovative systems. Within the ASIEPI project we have investigated how countries deal with innovative systems in the context of the EPBD. We have examined the pros and cons of the national approaches.
This may qualify as a CPD event but don’t take my word for it – check with your accred scheme. Regardless, it could still be interesting.
The event is limited to 200 people and you'll need to register beforehand here.