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Submitted by: MikeC (Admin) on 04-Aug-07 02:10:49 AM

Domestic Energy Assessors (DEAs) wishing to compare the cost of accreditation schemes might find the below table useful.

DEA Accreditation schemes - Cost comparison at-a-glance
SchemeCost per EPCApplicationMembershipSoftware
NHER 5.00 * 100 250 250
BRE See below 100 (every 3 yrs) - inc
Elmhurst 5.25 150 100 ** inc
Northgate 3 - 4 sliding scale *** - - inc
RICS ? ? 160 ?
Quidos 5.25 - 150 inc
ECMK (EPC-Solutions) 4.83 - Free (1000+ EPCS) 195 (Free 1000+ EPCs)
Home Inspection Certification 5.24 - 145 inc
Stroma Accreditation Ltd 4.10 - Free -
  • - denotes: not applicable
  • ? denotes: Not known for certain (Please comment)

Lodgement fees (£1.15): Not included.

Where the cost-per-EPC did include Landmark's lodgement fee, it has been deducted to give an equal comparison.

VAT (17.5%): Not included.

Insurance: All schemes include Public Liability (PL) and Public Indemnity (PI) as part of the cost per EPC, accept Northgate (see below).


* Volume discount scheme starting at £5.00 per EPC (up to 499 EPCs) sliding down to £3.00 (250,000+).

There is no deadline to qualify for the volume discounts.

Annual membership ends July 31st so the actual fee paid is charged pro-rata.

Software licensing: Fee is one-off. SAVA/NHER-qualified assessors pay no fee.

Full fee scale (pdf)


* * £100 renewal unless 200 EPCs were produced using the Elmhurst system in previous year, in which case renewal is free.

Volume costs per EPC:

  • 0 – 200 = £5.25
  • 201 – 500 = £4.95
  • 501 or more = £4.65

EPC Solutions (ECMK)

The cost of accreditation and software with EPC Solutions is free providing 1000 or more EPCs are conducted through their scheme. There is no obvious indication on their DEA accreditation page of the costs involved should this not be achieved (apart from the software - see table).

You are advised to clarify this offer if you have concerns:


Tel 08458 123 999

EPC Solutions Ltd are part of ECMK.


BRE fees are levied on a sliding scale based on monthly volume:

  • first 15 EPCs (0 to 15): £6.25
  • second 15 EPCs (16 to 30): £6.00
  • third 15 EPCs (31 to 45): £5.75
  • fourth 15 EPCs (46 to 60): £5.50
  • fifth 15 EPCs (61 to 75): £4.50
  • remainder over 75: £4.00

Minimum monthly fee: £25 (where monthly volume is 4 EPCs or fewer).

Northgate Scheme

Northgate now has a three-tier sliding scale of fees commensurate with levels of service required, starting at £3 with email-only support (no PI insurance) rising to £4 for their full service levels.

Full details: Northgate Options.

Disclaimer: The fees charged by the accreditation schemes in the above cost-comparison table are correct at the time of writing. Obviously, fees will likely change so the usual disclaimers apply.

The definitive CPD/LLL requirements guide

Domestic Energy Assessor CPD requirements - The definitive guideHear (or read) exclusive interviews with the accreditation schemes explaining exactly what their CPD/LLL requirements are: CPD Requirements for Domestic Energy Assessors (DEA).

Domestic Energy Assessors

At-a-glance comparison table of the fees charged by accreditation schemes. Includes membership application fees, software and cost-per-EPC plus more...


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