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Contribute to the maintenance of health and safety at work
Element 2.1 Contribute to the maintenance of health and safety at work
Performance Criteria
You must be able to:
- carry out working practices in accordance with legal requirements
- identify any health and safety risks in different locations and take action to minimise or mitigate such risks
- ensure your own personal conduct in the workplace does not endanger the health and safety of self and other people
- follow the workplace policies and suppliers’ or manufacturers’ instructions for the safe use of equipment, materials and products
- implement emergency procedures effectively to protect the health and safety of people
- pass on any suggestions for improving health and safety within the workplace to the responsible persons
Knowledge and Understanding
You must know and understand:
- (a) the legal duties for health and safety in the workplace as required by legislation
- (b) what health and safety risks could exist in different locations, and the action to take to minimise or mitigate risks
- (c) why it is important to remain alert to the presence of risks in the workplace
- (d) the importance of personal conduct in maintaining the health and safety of self and others
- (e) suppliers’ and manufacturers’ instructions for the safe use of equipment, materials and products
- (f) who should be informed of any conflicts between different health and safety requirements
- (g) the procedures for different types of emergency
- (h) what types of suggestions for improving health and safety at work could be made and who should be given them
A. locations:
(i) office
(ii) vacant property
(iii) occupied property
B. workplace:
(i) the office
(ii) the property being inspected
(iii) any other location you visit in the course of your work