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Domestic Energy Assessors welcome

Submitted by: MikeC (Admin) on 29-Oct-08 10:22:21 PM

Russell Osborne, head of Northgate Domestic Energy Assessor Accreditation Scheme, provides a glimpse into the workings of what many believe is a corporate-only accreditor... but they are wrong!

Russell puts to bed some of the misconceptions some might have about what Northgate is - including how independent DEAs are welcome -, and tells us why being part of a large group of companies allows it to "flex" with the fast pace of change, citing the recent RdSAP upgrade and consequent software modification as an example.

Listen: Russell Osborne Northgate Accreditation Scheme

[Added: An abridged and edited transcript is now available to read]

Open transparency

He says Northgate is very much in favour of open transparency, and pledged to encourage the CLG to make available the findings of Faber Maunsell's review of accreditation schemes, in which, of course, he says, Northgate scored well.


  • Northgate background: Just how big is Northgate and how does its background help?
  • Software woes and should it be made more helpful to assessors?
  • DEA auditing and quality: What is Northgate's approach and attitude?
  • Accreditation watchdog: Shouldn't schemes be consistent anyway? Are there too many?
  • Training companies: Russell makes the mistake of mentioning the T-word! ;)

Plus more, obviously.

Update: As promised by Russell (on the podcast), Northgate membership is free on volumes of 500+ per year. Please see DEA accreditation scheme cost comparison for further information.

I have also been informed that Northgate have a price scheme with no volume conditions attached. Details can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the How to join Northgate page.

With thanks to Russell for his time.

Abbreviation used:

QCA = Qualification and Curriculum Authority

CPD guide for Domestic Energy AssessorsHear the definitive CPD guide for your accreditation scheme. As told by your accreditation scheme: CPD Guide for DEAs.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the DEA podcasts are those of the participants only and may not be factually correct. Advice should be sought before acting on any information or opinion expressed. Consider the content to be merely the streaming thoughts of the participants only. Permission to republish this podcast is permitted providing a link to this page is included.

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